
Welcome to the website with safety instruction videos from PreZero.
After entering your personal data, you will have access to the following videos:

  • Working safely at PreZero
  • Working safely at PreZero Energy
  • Work safely with waste collection trucks
  • Work safely with the rear end loader truck
  • Work safely with the hook lift truck
  • Work safely with the hook lift truck
  • Working safely for loaders collecting paper
Each instruction ends with a test.
If you pass, you can print a certificate as proof or save it as a PDF.
The certificate is valid for 2 years.

Your personal data (initials, last name, date of birth, employer) and the test result will be kept for 2 years.
This information is only used by PreZero to check whether you have seen the instruction.

I hereby give PreZero permission to store my data to check whether I have followed the instructions.